Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Target Audience- Questionaire and Final Decision

After creating my focus group i felt the need to ask what genre of music they are into as this will help me in the future with how the magazine should look etc.


Media Studies Questionaire:
Gender: Male/Female (Please Circle as Appropriate)

Q1) What genres of music would you say you are interested in?  (Please Circle as Appropriate)

Other/s: (Please Specify)_________________


From the feedback i have recieved from the questionaire via my focus group i have decided to base my magazine on a age range of 16-22 Males similar to the target audience of the weekly magazine NME and it to be focussed on the genre of Indie. The reason i have made this decision is that my focus group is in this age range. I will also look for inspiration elsewhere such as Complex, Q and Billboard for their layout and codes and coventions. The age range that i have chosen also therefore means that the price of the magazine will have to be a lot lower than magazines such as Q as this age range are less likely to have more money to spend out on a magazine, also this means that the paper used can be like NME, cheaper thinner paper than Q magazine.

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