Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Target Audience Research - NME

A target audience is a specific group of people (potential consumers) within the target market of which a product is aimed at, it can be defined by; age, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation for example, females between the ages of 17-25, straight males etc. A target audience is very important for producers, so that they can adjust their product to appeal to specific people. Without a target audience producers would not know what to include in their products, specifically magazine editors, who would find it difficult to pick the correct colours and fonts to attract certain people, it was also be difficult for them to define who they are creating their product for.

Despite researching into magazines such of Complex and Q I have decided to base my magazine on a young target audience such as a magazine like NME as Q obtain a target audience for the more civilised older generation still interested in music with a wide range of genres, however to not stick with the layout of NME as I find the other two magazines are a lot more adventurous on their front covers and their double page spreads.

NME is a music magazine that targets mainly men between the ages of 17-30, it targets people in the working class.NME stands for 'New Musical Express' and has been creating magazines for 60- years which means that in the past it has had a vareity of different celebrities on the front cover. As it is called new musical express it mostly provides information about new music and bands. NME therefore include bands and music that is becoming more popular , and news stories about celebrities that consumers will want to know and read about, it also includes information about upcoming gigs which is beneficiual to readers who are interested in them.

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